Fourth Sunday of Advent
Friday, December 15, 2023, 3:10 PM
While it is not often that the Fourth Sunday of Advent coincides with Christmas Eve, it offers us an opportunity to close out our Advent season and flow right into our Christmas Season on the same day!
On Sunday morning the 24th we gather for our regular Sunday Eucharist in celebration of the 4th Sunday of Advent.
We will light all four candles on our Advent Wreath and read the Advent IV readings from the Lectionary.
This service will be a little quieter and if you have family for whom the bells and pageantry of the Christmas services might be overwhelming, this service will be more "sensory friendly" and a wonderful way to experience the joy of the Christmas season.
As with all of our services, this service will also be live-streamed on our Online Worship Page.