Weekly Advent Program
Friday, November 22, 2024, 3:23 PM
Journeying to the Inn Together | A Magi Experience
Who will you journey with?
What will you bring?
St. Paul's Episcopal church invites seekers of ALL ages and stages of life to join us this season of the Nativity -- Advent - through Christmas - and to the Feast of the Epiphany -- as we travel together seeking the Christ-light. Never alone!
We will gather each Sunday of Advent after our 10 a.m. worship service in small groups in various spaces throughout the church building (or even perhaps online!) to connect with one another and deepen our experience of this season of Incarnation.
There will be multiple groups running concurrently - we are calling these Magi Circles - and we hope that you'll be able to find (or perhaps create) a group that best fits your needs for Companions on the Journey.
Come on the First Sunday of Advent - December 1st - to find out more about the various Magi Circles we will be offering! Then each subsequent week of the season you can return to continue the journey with your own circle.
We anticipate offering the following small groups and we are also encouraging members of our community to reach out to propose taking on leadership of any alternate groups that might best fit your needs (alternate groups can meet onsite on Sundays or at other "asynchronous" times or even online!)
- Small Group: "The Weary World Rejoices"
- Pageant Creation: "How do we tell the story?"
- Kids Making-Meaning MakerSpace
- Playgroup: Parents and small children in the "young family" phase
- Or... What do you most need? (reach out to propose leading a group if you don't see a fit yet)
For more information, definitely plan to show up at 11:15 on December 1st for our first Sunday of Advent program or reach out to either Becky Binns or Katy Denning!
Tags: Children & Youth Formation / Adult Formation / Events / Worship / Christmas Together at St. Paul's