Adult Formation
Fall 2023 Sunday Morning Bible Study: 2nd Kings
Led by the Rev. Chris Visminas.
This year we'll be continuing with 2 Kings. There will be a recap, both as a refresher & an intro for folks who weren't around last year. There will be some really interesting stuff this time around because we have actual images of what happened in the Bible from Assyria (a major civilization of the time) and other evidence from Babylonia (another major civilization). We also have biographical details about the prophets Isaiah & Jeremiah, giving context to their prophecies.
If you want to know more about the historicity of the Bible and how actions 2,500 years ago still have relevance today, this course will introduce you to a fascinating and timely portion of the Bible.
This class is held onsite at Gale House next door the church AND there is the option to join on Zoom at this link.