Middle School & High School Youth
The goal of our ministry with Middle School and High School youth is to provide our teens and tweens with engaging programs, worship opportunities and service activities.
Middle and High School aged youth are invited to participate and lead at St. Paul's in a variety of capacities.
Our youth are welcome to serve as acolytes, greeters, readers, and choir members in our regular Sunday worship. They are also invited to join our Faith in Action program as members of the Outreach team or the Anti-Racism Steering Committee. We welcome and encourage participating by our youth in any of the St. Paul's ministries.
In addition, specific opportunities for fellowship with peers and service projects are organized specifically for youth throughout the school year. As those opportunities arise, details may be found in the weekly E-pistle newsletter.
Youth in grades 9 and above are welcome to participate in Confirmation preparation and explore receiving this sacrament. We offer this preparation every-other year and anticipate the our next offering will be the 2025-26 academic year. Please contact us for more information on the Confirmation program.
Youth Group Gathering
Sunday, Jan 26, 2025, 5:00 PM